”Størstedelen, af dem jeg møder på vejen (…) går ind til siden når jeg kommer”: Tilpasninger i senere livs- og identitetsforhandlinger under coronavirus-pandemien

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

How have older people managed their own ‘situated risk’ (Boholm 2003) during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how have they (possibly) restructured their self-identities within this new cultural context? To answer this question, the author draws upon the narratives and experiences of older people in Denmark to examine the 'corona situation' in their specific context. With this starting point, the author's analysis shows that this group's reactions and ways of dealing with the situation were as different as the older people themselves. Regardless of whether the pandemic has had a major or minor impact on older people's lives, a key point in the article is that they all had to deal with the effects of the pandemic - and to negotiate their identities in this new context with the pandemic as an active co-creator.
Translated title of the contribution"Most of those I meet on the street (…) go to the side when I come": Adjustments and late-life identity negotiations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Original languageDanish
JournalTidsskriftet Antropologi
Pages (from-to)171-192
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2023

ID: 292010462